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ifuse FUSE filesystem to access the contents of iOS devices
igal Online image gallery generator
igowin Go playing program
igraph Package For Manipulating Undirected And Directed Graphs
igv Visualization tool for genomic datasets
iir1 DSP IIR Realtime C++ filter library
iisemulator IIS emulator
ilbc-rfc3951 Internet Low Bit Rate Codec
ilohamail Light weight yet full featured multilingual webmail
imgui Bloat-free Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++
imonc Command-line version of the fli4l monitoring tool
include-what-you-use Analyze #includes in C and C++ source files
incron Inotify cron system
inetdxtra Collection of inetd based servers
inferno Rust port of FlameGraph
influx-cli CLI for managing resources in InfluxDB v2
influxdb Scalable datastore for metrics, events, and real-time analytics
inform Inform 7 programming language
infraarcana Infra Arcana is a Lovecraftian roguelike set in the early 20th century
inicpp C++ ini parser with schema validation
initware-git Suite for management of services and system resources
innernet Private network system that uses WireGuard under the hood
input-ttf Fonts for code from DJR & Font Bureau
intel-gpu-tools Test & development tools for the intel DRM kernel driver
interbase-docs Documentation for InterBase 6.0 in PDF format
intervaltree Minimal C++ interval tree implementation
inxi full featured system information script
io-base All base Io addons
io-blowfish Blowfish addon for Io
io-cgi CGI addon for Io
io-continuedfraction ContinuedFraction addon for Io
io-distributedobjects DistributedObjects addon for Io
io-editline EditLine addon for Io
io-fnmatch Fnmatch addon for Io
io-lzo LZO addon for Io
io-md5 MD5 addon for Io
io-random Random addon for Io
io-range Range addon for Io
io-rational Rational math addon for Io
io-regex Regex addon for Io
io-securesocket SSL socket addon for Io
io-sha1 SHA1 addon for Io
io-socket Socket addon for Io
io-sqldatabase SqlDatabase addon for Io
io-sqlite3 SQLite3 addon for Io
io-syslog Syslog addon for Io
io-systemcall SystemCall addon for Io
io-thread Thread addon for Io
io-user User addon for Io
io-vm Small programming language
io-zlib Zlib addon for Io
ion3 Tiling tabbed window manager
ioquake3-snapshot Open source Quake 3 distribution
iosevka-aile-ttf Slender typeface for code, from code
iosevka-curly-slab-ttf Slender typeface for code, from code
iosevka-curly-ttf Slender typeface for code, from code
iosevka-etoile-ttf Slender typeface for code, from code
iosevka-slab-ttf Slender typeface for code, from code
iosevka-ttf Slender typeface for code, from code
ipamjfont Font for Japanese names
ipax0208font-ttf TrueType IPA fonts based on JIS X0208
ipsvd Internet protocol service daemons
iptables Interface to Linux netfilter firewalling subsystem
iptstate Display Netfilter state tables in a top-like interface
ircII-current 'Internet Relay Chat' and 'Internet Citizens Band' Client
irixjoker-ai-utils General purpose AI library (also includes machine learning and adaptive systems theory).
irrxml Simple and fast open source xml parser for C++
irssi-otr Libotr ( support for Irssi
irust Cross Platform Rust Repl
isa-l Intel(R) Intelligent Storage Acceleration Libray
ised Tool for generating number sequences and arithmetic evaluation
islamic-menus Islamic menu categories for applications under GNOME and KDE
ispell-dictionaries meta-package for ispell spell checker dictionaries
iText Java classes to generate PDF files on the fly
iTextXML Java classes to generate and parse XML files
itools Islamic hijri date and prayer time utilities
ivtools Drawing editors for PostScript, TeX, and web graphics
ja-freewnn-cvs Japanese/Chinese/Korean input method (Japanese client library)
ja-ptex Meta-package for pTeX et al, supports Japanese language
jabberd14 Instant messaging server
jabref JabRef is an advanced reference manager uses the BibTeX format
jabref3 Open source bibliography reference manager
jack-example-tools JACK example clients and tools
jacorb-lib Java implementation of the OMG's CORBA jar
jakarta-log4j Logging facility for Java
jakarta-struts Struts is struts xD
jalview Jalview is a multiple alignment editor written in java
jason Java-based interpreter for an extended version of AgentSpeak
java-asm Java bytecode manipulation framework
java-basicplayer Threaded simple player class based on JavaSound API
java-bcel ByteCode Engineering Library
java-charva Java Windowing Toolkit for Text Terminals
java-frozenbubble Java port of Frozen Bubble
java-getopt GNU getopt port for Java
java-gnucrypto Free cryptographic implementation for Java
java-gnujaf GNU Java Activation Framework
java-gnujaxp XML extensions for GNU classpath
java-gson Library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
java-iText-RUPS Reading and Updating PDF Syntax tool from iText
java-jbluez Java interface for BlueZ stack
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